Downers Grove North Parents' Club - Mission Statement
The DGN Parents' Club partners with faculty and staff at the high school to enhance the overall experience and well-being of our students during their time at DGN. We are a committed group of parent volunteers who strive to bring relevant resources, both financial and educational, to the DGN community. We provide a network for parents to meet together and share information in order to navigate the high school years. Our club directly supports the DGN community via student scholarships and grants, special events, and monthly speakers, all in an effort to provide a more connected high school experience.
Welcome Back &
Get Connected!
One of the exclusive benefits of your DGN Parents' Club membership is access to the DGN Directory via DirectorySpot, now updated with student family information for the 2024-2025 school year.
(New-to-DGN parents: the directory is indispensable as your students meet and hang out with new friends!)
DirectorySpot is a desktop and mobile app that helps our school community keep in touch by providing parents on-the-go access. If you have used DirectorySpot in the past for elementary or middle school (or last year for DGN), you'll use the same app, username, and password.
Not sure if you joined yet? Check this link for the list of current members as of 9-13-24.
Parents' Club Meetings
Welcome to the 2024/25 school year. We had a great turnout for our September meeting and we look forward to seeing even more new faces moving forward.
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, October 9th at 7pm at DGN.
Courtney DeMent, Principal - Welcome Back and Principal Report/Latest DGN Update
Introduction of School Links site
This meeting will take place in person at DGN in the Alumni Room or Community Room (they are next dooor to one another; come in Main Street doors, go right, and it's the first or second door on the right).
November 13, 2024
No meeting in December
January 8, 2025
Parents' Club is a great way to stay connected to the happenings at school, as well as connect with other parents in the community. Use the link to the right to sign up and please join us at our monthly meeting.
The meetings typically occur on the second Wednesday of the month, excluding December, and end with the May meeting.
Get Involved
Become a Member
Interested in becoming a member of Downers Grove North Parents' Club?
Want to get more connected to DGN and help out Downers Grove North Parents' Club? You can volunteer for any upcoming event that we have planned.
Make a Donation
Want to help out, but don't have the time to volunteer? You can make a monetary donation in any amount to help out DGNPC.