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Join Parents' Club

DGNPC is committed to having FUN while volunteering – whether that means helping out once a month, one a year, or taking part in a committee.  We appreciate any level of involvement.  


You can easily sign-up using this link or the purple button below. You will also have the opportunity to join during registration this fall. Your $35 membership will go directly toward providing resources to our school community, including scholarships for all grade levels. You will also receive access to the Directory Spot app, where you can find contact information for other students and parents at DGN. 


Not sure if you joined already? Click here for a list of current members (NOTE: this list is accurate as of September 9, 2024).





If you have questions or want more information on getting involved, contact us at


If you would like to join and need a fee waiver, please contact us at

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