Upcoming Volunteer Opportunity: THE HOLIDAY BUFFET is coming up on Friday December 13th.
It's almost that time of year, and we need you! The Downers Grove North Parents' Club is pleased to announce that the annual holiday buffet for teachers and staff will take place on Friday, December 13th. We need A LOT of volunteers to make this event happen.
Food donations are the primary volunteer opportunity, with convenient drop off from your car window on Friday morning. We also need in person volunteers to help set-up the buffet, replenish food, welcome staff and teachers, heat food, clean-up, serve drinks & more. The volunteer link will be provided soon.
Looking to help out and volunteer your time? The DGNPC has a lot of ways to get involved throughout the year.
Teacher Appreciation Events: The DGNPC hosts the Holiday Lunch and Spring Dessert Buffets for all the staff at DGN. Parent volunteers are needed to donate food items and to help host the event. This is a very fun volunteer opportunity where you get to mingle with the staff and parents, and show appreciation for all they do! Both events are popular with the DGN Staff and we couldn’t host them without parents like you! Communications are sent out weeks before the events with the opportunity to sign up to donate time, food or money. Stay tuned!
Scholarships / Grants: The DGNP sponsors several scholarships for both seniors and underclassmen. If you want to take part on a scholarship committee, please contact us at dgnorthpc@gmail.com.
More events will be added throughout the year. Whether you have an hour per month or an hour per year, there are opportunities for everyone.